Christmas Crochet Decorations and a T-shirt Yarn Rug

Christmas Crochet Decorations and a T-shirt Yarn Rug

I want to show you what else you can do with my free Floppy Star Crochet Pattern

Decorate a plain parcel with a crochet star.

Hang your Crochet Stars on a plain wooden Christmas Tree.

If you make my Floppy Crochet Stars with t-shirt yarn, you can join them with slip stitch rounds to make a rug.

If you add more and more stars, you can make a bigger rug with a different shape!

I’ve seen a follower joining her cotton stars to make a table runner.

How wonderful that you can use one little pattern for so many projects! What have you been making with your Floppy Stars? Email us a photo then we can show everyone.

We want to thank you all for your support, likes, comments and orders for 2017. We really really do appreciate you all. Hope you all have a peaceful festive time with your loved ones.

With lots of love

Anneke and Anne-Marie

Crochet in Paternoster

Larger Lacy Doily T-shirt Yarn Rug

Larger Lacy Doily T-shirt Yarn Rug

What you’ve all been asking and waiting for! The PDF file for the larger doily rug!

Download the free PDF from Ravelry . Larger Lacy Doily Rug

Remember, you still need the Free Lacy Doily Rug Pattern for the inside.

Just checking? Are you following us on our other media pages too?

See our awesome Instagram Feed

On our Facebook Page we share our crochet as well as links to other designers’ pages.

And on our Pinterest Boards we’ve pinned all the rugs we have crocheted as well as fabulous rug patterns from other talented designers. You will find ideas and patterns for Doily rugs, Rectangular rugs, Square rugs and much much more.

Oooooh! You have to see this one too! I had an order for a pink and grey doily rug. I used the first few rounds of my pattern, but was working with very thick bulky T and a 15mm hook. I then had to make adjustments to the original pattern and this was the end result. A thick, soft and squishy 75 cm beauty.

Grab a big hook and some chunky yarn and go crochet a beautiful rug!

Lots of love


NatCroMo Blog Tour

NatCroMo Blog Tour

Crochetville  Is having their yearly March Blog Tour.  Each day of March they feature Yarn Shops and Crochet Designers on their blog.  Where you will find awesome inspiration and pattern specials.  Do take some time and browse their blog to feast on all the yarnie goodness. I am honoured to be part of the Blog Tour.



For the Glamping Theme I have this Hanging Basket Idea for you.  A neat and compact way to store goodies in your tent or caravan.  You can use my Merry Go Round Crochet Basket  free pattern.  Crochet three baskets with t-shirt yarn; or any bulky cotton; or use two or three strings of any dk yarn in your stash.  Crochet a long string of chains and attach/join the baskets.


In today’s blog post I want to show you a few projects I made since December.  And then right at the end of this post you will find my NatCroMo Special.

First some news on where we live.  Last year we moved from Paternoster to Langebaan to be closer to the school.  We first rented a house and in December we moved into our own newly built house in Paradise Beach. Here you can see the sunset from our house.  We had lovely sunny days which we spent on the beach.  In January the teenagers went back to school and the little one started Grade One.  And now she is practicing her writing in the sand on the beach.


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A highlight in January was having my Snowflake Crochet Pattern featured in Ideas Magazine.  If you want the pattern, you can buy the magazine online from Zinio .



Early in January I finished this HUGE floor cushion for my middle child.  It ended up 120 cm in diameter and 50 cm high. I used about 13 kg of t-shirt yarn and my 15 mm hook.  We filled it with foam chips.


And in progress now, is a slightly smaller version for the six year old.

In February I was commissioned by Carle from Nurturing Fibres to design patterns for Creative Hobbies Magazine. Look out for these awesome home decor patterns in their June issue.


I put a piece of calico fabric on Anya’s plastic ABC puzzle and then block my crochet piece with KnitPro T-Pins.IMG_2766

In February I made this beautiful basket.  You can find the free pattern and other home decor patterns via the Facebook page Yarn in a Barn CAL.


And in between all my projects I play around with designs of my own.  I need to write up all these patterns, but find that very time consuming.

I also completed quite a few t-shirt yarn rug orders.  Let me show you  some of them.

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Then my eldest ordered a rug too.  I am using Patricia Kristoffersen’s famous Splendid Doily Pattern.  We are about 75% in to the pattern, but do not have enough of the t-shirt yarn to finish.  Argh.  Plan B is to bring in another colour.  Hope to finish this one soon.

And I’ve kept the best for last.  My Quandala Rug Pattern!


For the next week you can download it for free.  Use the code “NatCroMo Blog Tour”.

This is the dates and times for the special:

Start date March 18, 2017 at 00:00
End date March 25, 2017 at 23:59

I’ve recently crocheted three rugs with this pattern.  My client wanted bright and colourful.

And I love this version by a crochet friend.  She used Tori (a bulky cotton/bamboo blend) by Vinnis Colours.


I hope you enjoy the pattern if you do download it.  Do like (give it a pink heart) on Ravelry and tag us on Instagram if you upload your photo there. #quandalarug.

Quandala stands for Quick and Easy Mandala.  This is an easy pattern for first time rug makers.  And other than normal rug patterns out there, this one has a fabulous soft texture and feel.

Thank you for visiting.

Enjoy the rest of the March Crochet fun with NatCroMo.



3D Crochet Star Pebble Necklace

3D Crochet Star Pebble Necklace

Living  Dangerously! 😂😂😂

Whenever we travel, I bring back beach pebbles in my suitcase.

In my collection I have pebbles from Strandfontein, Blouberg, Arniston and Knysna, South Africa; Swakopmund, Namibia;  Skopelos and Skiatos, Greece; Positano and Portifino, Italy. There are a few small rocks from Les Gets in the French Alps and a few tiny black rocks from Mount Vesuvius in Naples.

I’m always a little nervous when we check in our luggage at the airport  😳

I then be-crochet the pebbles into necklaces. They make great gifts. One friend uses her neckace as a curtain tie. They also look beautiful if you hang them on a hook against the wall.

I made a Photo Tutorial for you.  If you are on a beach holiday right now, pick up some pebbles an give it a try. If you can’t find any pebbles near you, try your nearest plant nursery.

My pattern is written in US (American) Terminology

What you need:

Beach Pebbles about 4 to 5 cm in diameter.

Any yarn in your stash with the crochet hook recommended for your yarn.

I used Eco-Cotton from Nurturing Fibres and a 3,5 mm hook.



MC   –   Magic Ring,   ch   –   chain,   sc   –   single crochet,   ss   –   slip stitch,   dc   –   double crochet,   dc2tog   –   double crochet two together,   fpdc   –  front post double crochet.


In MC, ch1, 12sc, close with ss in 1st sc


Spectators  😹😹😹



ch2, 1dc in next stitch (counts as first dc2tog), ch3

dc2tog, ch3     X 5, close with ss in first dc2tog



After this round you will see how your Front Post Double Crochet Stitches make your star pop.

After closing round 2 with a ss, make 1 fpsc, ch2 ( that counts as 1 fpdc ) , ch4

*1 fpdc around the next dc2tog, ch4 *   repeat x 4

1 fpdc around the last dc2tog, ch2, 1hdc   ( for the hdc, you yarn over twice , insert your hook into your first fpdc, pull up a loop, yarn over and pull through all three loops on hook )

That simultaneously closes your round AND  brings your end of the round to the middle of the loop in between your double crochets.


Your work should now fit loosely on your pebble.



This round needs less stitches in the chain loops. Which means you are “decreasing ” to close your work at the back of your pebble.

ch3, 1sc in 4ch loop  X 5, ch1, 1hdc.  ( same method as previous round)



This round is just single crochet into each of Round 5’s  3ch loops to ensure a tight fit.



Look at the front of your pebble. You want your necklace string “attached” to the top left and right point of the star.


Turn to the back again.

Now it started raining, so I am left with very little natural light.


“Move” towards the top left with 2 or 3 single crochets. That also  secures the beginning of your string. You can’t hang a pebble on just a slip stitch!


Start making chain stitches here. Mine is about 60 cm .

Cut the yarn, leaving a 25 cm tail, because you want to use your tapestry needle to secure the end of your chain to the top of the star.

There you go!

Ready to wear.


Or wrap it in gift paper for a friend.

For different size pebbles, you can stick to the star pattern and then just adjust the number of chains in your chain loops.

You can also use small flower patterns for the front “panel” of your pebble cover.

Have a look at my Pinterest Free Crochet Flower board here:



Thank you for reading this post.


You can see more of our crochet projects on Facebook and Instagram.




Floppy Star

Hi All!

Sorry for being so scarce!  We had Exams,  a School Nativity play, and a School price giving this evening.  Busy Busy!

I have a little star pattern for you.  Little if you crochet it with dk yarn or cotton.  Or BIG if you use bulky or t-shirt yarn.  Have fun and do show us if you make some.


The pattern in words.  Photos after that.

I use US terms and any yarn and the hook size recommended for the yarn.

A 12 mm hook for the t-shirt yarn (bought from 50 Something Yarn Shop)

A 4 mm hook for dk cotton yarns.

Just one important note!  Be carefull NOT to pull your magic ring too tight, otherwise your star will be floppy.

Round 1

In Magic Circle, ch 2, 12 hdc, close with ss in first hdc

Round 2

ch 1, 1 sc in same closing ss.

*In next stitch: 2 dc, ch2, 2 dc

In next stitch: 1 sc* repeat x 4

End with 2 dc, ch2, 2dc and close round with a ss in to the first sc

Round 3

ch 1, 1 sc in same closing ss

*Into ch 2 space:

ch 1, 3 hdc, ch3, 3 hdc, ch 1

Into sc: 1 sc* repeat x 5

Close round with a ss into the first sc, cut your yarn and pull through to the front.

Then work the ends away at the back.

Round 1  pictures


Round 2  pictures

Image (16)

Round 3  pictures

Image (17)

Close round 3 with a ss into the first sc

Image (18)

Then you can either work your ends away at the back or use them to tie your star to a tree or present.

Image (19)


These two stars were crocheted with eco-fusion from Nurturing Fibres

Image (20)

Vinnis White Cotton for the white ones.


Vinnis Tori for a bulky star.  They are great on gift bags!

Image (21)

And here I tested the first one with t-shirt yarn

Image (23)

And one with 4 ply cotton from Elle -Yarns

Image (24)

Ok, I think you get the idea!  You can crochet this little floppy star with any yarn in your stash!

I’m off to Langebaan.  The two teenagers are both  receiving academic prizes tonight.










Big Valentine’s Day Crochet Hearts Round-up!

Met Valentynsdag wat nader kom, gaan dit mos lekker wees om allerhande hart patrone bymekaar te kan sien.

Ek het ‘n laaaaang lys van skakels na gratis hart patrone wat ek nou bymekaar gaan sit vir julle. My lys was holderstebolder en deurmekaar. Nou het ek dit opgedeel in klein, medium en groot harte. Dan is daar ook 3D harte, bykomstighede, mandjies en ‘n mat of twee. Ek begin by die klein harte en gaan dan elke dag ‘n ander kategorie/groepie bysit.

Would you like to have a fabulous list of all kinds of Valentine’s Day patterns?

I have a long list of free pattern links which I now sort of categorized into small, medium and large hearts. 3D hearts, baskets, accessories, squares and even a rug or two.

I’ll start with the small hearts and add new categories after that.

Most of the patterns are English. The one’s that are in other languages usually has either a diagram or a photo tutorial to explain the pattern.

I do hope you find a pattern that can be useful to you.

We at Crochet in Paternoster are going to test some of the patterns with both t-shirt yarn and Vinnis Cotton yarn. It is interesting to see the same pattern in different yarn and sizes.










































Dit was nou die maklike hartjies. Ek hoop julle kon een of twee vind wat vir julle werk. Die volgende rondte het ‘n heerlike verskeidenheid van medium grootte harte wat bietjie meer van ‘n uitdaging vir julle gaan wees. Kyk mooi, daar is een of twee van ons eie SA bloggers se patrone ook by.

These were the easy ones. Look out for the next post which will have bigger hearts with a better variety in pattern and appearance.